For over 27 years, Common Cents has been helping non-profit organizations achieve their goals by local school children’s fundraising efforts. Our Pennies from the Heart program was introduced to the Dallas Independent School District in 1998 by Louise Gartner to teach children about fundraising, leadership skills, social responsibility and philanthropy.

After the annual fundraising kickoff a small group of students from each school are selected by their Sponsor, who is a teacher responsible for their involvement. The group of 4-6 students are designated the Round Table and they research community needs and make the decision to which non -profits the funds will be donated. Through this student-led effort, thousands of dollars are raised to support charities. Students and non-profits come together in the Spring each year for a Check Presentation. Students present checks from their fundraising efforts to the charities of their choice. The program teaches children about the value of change and helps them understand the importance of giving back to their community.

Historically, 30 schools, 50 teachers, and more than 200 students participate in Common Cents Dallas each year. This number continues to grow. To date, the students have raised over $980,000 for local non-profits.